Albany Upper
29777 South Montpelier Ave. * Albany * Louisiana * 225-567-5030
A.U.E. Supply Lists
Instructional Fee is $30.00.
Third Grade Supply List
2 packs of loose-leaf paper (wide ruled)
4 packs of 12 count pencils
2 packs of crayons (24 pack)
4 glue sticks
2 pairs of scissors (Fiskar rounded tip)
2 packs of markers
1 pair over-the-ear headphones (no Bluetooth/wireless)
1 wireless mouse (optional)
Girls: 1 box quart-size Ziploc bags
Boys: 1 box gallon-size Ziploc bags
1 pack of baby wipes
2 rolls of paper towels
2 boxes of Kleenex
1 pack of highlighters
1 zippered pouch/pencil bag
1 container of Lysol wipes
2 white clear view bindes 1"
1 Red Plastic Folder with brads
1 pack of dry erase markers
*1 REGULAR 2 STRAP BOOKSACK –(One strap book sacks are too small and do not hold enough materials) **No wheel booksacks allowed.
*Students will need to wear tennis shoes to P.E. daily
*Please remember to collect Community Coffee UPCs and General Mills Box tops
**Instructional Fee is used for printing social studies workbooks for all students, copy machine rental, paper, and Teachers Pay Teachers materials for lessons.
Fourth Grade Supply List
1 full size regular student backpack (no rolling backpacks)
1 one-inch binder with pockets
*no zipper/trapper keepers* They don’t fit in the desk/backpack.
1 Plastic pocket folder (any color) for Homework
In a sturdy zipper bag (12” X 7”), students will need the following:
markers/color pencils
pencils (mechanical pencils are fine)
1 box of 24-count crayons
2 boxes of pencils to take up for class use
1 pack of loose leaf paper
1 marble composition notebook for ELA
1 pack of multi-colored highlighters
2 rolls of paper towels
2 boxes of Kleenex
1 pack of expo markers for Math
2 packs of index cards
REQUIRED: earbuds/headphones (no bluetooth headphones)
wireless computer mouse
Boys: 1 box of sandwich Ziplocs, 1 container of Clorox wipes
Girls: 1 box of gallon Ziplocs, 1 container of baby wipes
Students will need tennis shoes every day for PE.
Please remember to collect Community Coffee UPCs and General Mills Box Tops.